Outsourcing Service Office

* 'VIP Outsourcing Service Office’ helps foreign companies starting business in the Korean market with cost-effective office shares and other various office-related services.

* Recent global trends show that more and more businesses share office space in order to reduce the risks of being locked into burdonsome long-term leases. We offer this service so that business can concentrate on their core business.

* ‘VIP OSO’ offers space in a convenient area where transportation, retail and residence are all very well situated in one main area of Seoul. We also support businesses services with global business know-how.

Clients can also take advantage of our highly technological infrastructure, computer systems and other office facilities.

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  • 문화체육관광부
  • 한국관광공사
  • 전라북도
  • 한바탕전주
  • PATA
  • 한국관광협회중앙회
  • IATA
  • KATA