MICE infrastructures

World Class Infrastructure
Korea is closer than ever!!
-70 international airlines with flights to 170 countries
-With over 35 cities within a 2 hour flight to Seoul
The capital of the Korean spirit
Successful Meetings
Start with the World's Best Airport Services
Start with the World's Best Airport Services
- Best Airport Service Quality Award for 5 years in a row(2005~2009) presented by the ACI(Airport Council International)
- World's Best Airport in 2009, presented by Skytrax
- Best Airport in the world for 4 years in a row(2006~2009) presented by Global Traveler
- Best Airport in the world, presented by Business Traveler, as well as many more honors

Tour Planner
please ask Sky Tour experts
We are ready for your events.
Email Address

  • 문화체육관광부
  • 한국관광공사
  • 전라북도
  • 한바탕전주
  • PATA
  • 한국관광협회중앙회
  • IATA
  • KATA